2011년 11월 26일 토요일

creative essay- 15 years later

"I'm sorry. I miss you a lot, too. Good night, mom."
I hung up the phone with deep breath. Stressed out, tired of being alone. It
has been four years since I started working in New York as a diplomat. 15 years ago,when I first had a dream to be a diplomat, I thought about fancy receptions, full of pride, high name value. I believed everything will work out well, always happy. However, now I understand why previous diplomats say that being diplomat is not that happy as much you imagine about. To be frank with, it's quite lonely and oppressive to be alone in foreign country. Here, New York is the first place that I began my career. I have several meetings and conferences per day, not enough time to ponder about whether I'm really happy about this job or not. I feel difficulties in marriage, too. I'm not sure about my family could endure adapting in multiple times of moving and changing the surroundings. My parents worry about me that I won't marry forever, but actually I don't marry at all. I think I can do my task freely without family.
Tomorrow, I have important international conference in Empire-State building. I hope I can make an agreement on the agenda about development of ASEAN since Japan fell into double-deep economic depression. Ambassader asked me to solve this problem effectively because I majored in Economics. Japan's problem is extremly rapid aging but currently they need financial aid from friendly nations. Japanese government asked ASEAN for help and ASEAN have to expand the scale of the organization. It will be a hard mission, but I should lead Asian countries to invest more money on our group.
Mom's last word is keep bothering my mind. Little brother is little bit sick. God, please take care of him. You are the only one who can overlook everyone. Please, present the happiness to my family and give me the best luck for tomorrow. Amen.

2011년 11월 20일 일요일


This is the first word that blinked in my head while I watching the video. Onyx Ashanti, the beatjazz player on the above video, is the musician and also the inventor. Before we heed the music, most of the people will be esoteric about how the person can play the music with handheld controllers, an iphone and a mouthpiece. The gestures while he plays the music may seem to be prodigal and insipid, the quality of sound is totally innovative and enthralling.
His prodigious performance gave me another big impression that we have to find a novel way to succeed. He won't be extoled or invited to TED if we played pedestrian music with common instruments. His paucity in music made him to be famous and amazing. I was tended  to be follow the mainstream and do like other innumerable people do. However, I wished I could do like Onyx Ashanti after I finished watching the film. I hoped I had a great creativity so that idea never deplete in my brain. Getting out of hackneyed concepts and might be trepidating or against the conciliatory society. On the other hand, escaping from tedious and redundant ideas can be seen as achieving freedom out of provincial perspective. Therefore, I'm looking forward to myself that I become more candid about my opinions regardless of public opinion and change the world.

2011년 11월 13일 일요일


1/1970000, approxiamtely 0.00005%.
For $500000, luxurious car, travel ticket to Austraila, a special stage in the biggest music concert in Asia, and to be the final winner of Superstar K3, you should be the top singer between 1970000 people.
Superstar K series are considered to be the most dynamic and powerful audition program which is opened to the whole public. Superstar K3 is the latest version of Superstar K series and this program gathered up 1970000 applicants this year. The group called <Ulala Session> became the winner of Superstar K3 and received above great prizes.
One of the most conspicuous change between Superstar K2 and K3 is the quality of performances rose dramatically. The voices of the participants became more powerful than Superstar K2. In addition, since the headquarter of Superstar series approved groups to participate in Superstar K3, diverse performances and variety of harmonies became possible this season. For instance, in top 4, three of them were groups and only one was a solo singer. And the grand winner, Ulala Session is the group consisted with 4 singers. Like above, emergence of great groups and increased level of the participants' voices made Superstar K3 to be more entertaining and dynamic.
The second change that Superstar K3 differed from previous series was the diversity in missions. In 14 times of auditions, the participants should show their talents and potentials to survive. For each audition, headquarter asks the singers to succeed in missions and missions are always different from audition to audition. Collaboration mission, rival mission, drama mission, judge mission, pop song mission,  was suggested to the participants. While the participants practice their songs and performances for each mission, the viewers were able to see how much they endeavor and how they evaluate each other. Also, the audiences judged about their personalities and leaderships, too.  A variety of missions helped the viewers to enjoy the whole process of audition from practice to show.
Even though 'Ulala Session' performed a great job and became the real Superstar, my favoirte group was '2 months'. There are one female vocalist male guitarlist  in '2 months' and they named the group to '2 months' because they first met each other in 2 months ago. The vocalist has very unique voice and I'm totally fascinated by her voice. The guitarlist is excellent in playing the guitar and he sings well, too. I recommend you the song <Romantico> by them. Her voice really goes well with the melody.

Ulala Session

The winner, extremely talented, great harmony and performances.

2 months

My favorite, special voice, awesome guitar performance.
I really enjoyed Superstar K3 for 14 weeks. It was obvious that the program is pretty developed than its previous form. I expect Superstar K4 with with better participants and manifold kinds of musics. Although the program was controversial because of malicious editing, I hope headquarter to come up with more stories and touching episodes next time. 
My score for Superstar K3 is


2011년 11월 10일 목요일

Three words describing myself

Like a burning fire, I feel passion in my soul. I feel something moving and stimulating me from bottom of my heart. Fire destroyes old things and provide neccessary supplments for a new creation. My leadership and talents long for the new world with creativity and complete freedom. As a cloth-wrapper, I can cover and tolerate lots of people with diverse characteristics. I deal with many people by changing my personalities or behaviors depending on their unique features or styles. I illuminate other people and support surrounding peers like a sunshine. Actually, my name means 'to have a personality like a sunshine'. I want to encourage people to show what they have in their soul. I hope that people could achieve better job in what they are doing through my support and advice.

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Supplement each other- book journal

Title: Supplement each other.

     In my opinion, there are two similarities between four boys in <The body>: Geordie, Teddy, Chris and Vern. The first common point is that they are suffering from awful environment. Even though all of them are immatured, Geordie lost his older brother, Teddy lost his ability to hear because of his father's madness, Chris is abused by his father and Vern lost her mother. They are poor enough to be sympathized. Secondly, they are close friends to each other. I believe they can supplement each other what they need or don't have. I hope they can cure lonliness or mental hurt through helping themselves.
     Frankly, I feel difficulties in managing the relationship between friends. Even though I am one of the school counselors, I often feel loneliness and exhausted in these days. Friends are only the people who can help and cheer me up. Thanks to all my friends, I will always try my best to be better friend to them. 

2011년 11월 4일 금요일

Sword without a knob- article after watching a film

Title: Sword without a knob

     It was energetic morning when I watched film in Mr. Garrioch's class on saturday. Unlike warm atmosphere in our class, the meanings that the film intended to show were quite serious and considerable. In the movie, one young  Buddhist monk enjoyed to torture some animals with rocks. He tied up the animal with heavy stones so that animal inevitable suffer difficulties in moving or impossible to breathe. Elder Buddhist monk saw this scene and tied up young monk with heavy bulk when he was sleeping. Older monk ordered young one to find the animals that little monk bothered yesterday and release them from the rope connected to the rock. Even though the young monk found animals, he cries deeply when he saw that two out of three were already dead.
     After I watched the video, I seriously pondered about how I am behaving these days, related to personal relationships and reflected my past. Although I always try my best to care others' emotions and assist them if they need any help that I can provide, I have to admit that I sometimes hurt others' feelings by lies or annoying responses. To be frank with, I often lie because I don't want to be involved in the activities with the people who I hate. I felt sorry for them while I was watching the film since I was similar to the young monk in the video on the point that I hurt someone on purpose for my convenience or better emotions. In addition, I was regretful about my unsatisfactory responses to the people when I feel bad or uncomfortable. I expect some of my friends would have been impatient because I ignore some suggestions or disagree without logical evidences.
     Secondly, I thought about the phrase 易地思之.  易地思之 is one of the most famous chinese maxim which means that 'Treat others as you want to be treated'.  I was quite ashamed that I primarily mind about my profit and convenience before than benefits for the group or society. I was somewhat selfish in my past. Reminded from the lesson that elder monk taught to the young monk, I promised myself to deliberate for social advantage and the better world for every members in the group. Moreover, I strongly believe that this film was associated with leadership. Our School, KMLA, teach us to be the servant leaders who can sacrifice ourselves for the people who belong to you. Unlike the young monk who gave agony and death to the animals, I assert that we should endeaver to provide benefits for society by considering and treating others as you wish to be treated.
     The last theme that I uniquely analyzed in this film was experience makes you develop. Even though the behavior that the young monk had done to the animals was totally wrong and undesirable, he learned that he should cherish all the creatures and others may feel pain because of selfish activities only for his pleasure. Therefore, I will try hard to explore lots of new things and apply the lessons in my future life so that my life journey can be richer and happier.

2011년 11월 1일 화요일

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank redemption- book journal

Title: Hope for Hope

     It was a gloomy day when I started reading the first story of <Different Seasons> written by Stephen King, 'Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption'. Rain was pouring and striking the window while I was feeling lonely and exhausted in my bedroom. To be frank with, I opened book not because I wanted to read the book, but I had to change my mood. Although the introduction part of the story wasn't humorous enough to make me feel better, the main theme that I found in the story was quite interesting and positive.
     Usually, prison  is the place which represents pain, misfortune and failure. However, the author caught my eye and changed my view toward prison by putting a dynamic character into the prison, Andy. Actually, Red and his friends somewhat gave up hope in prison and adapted to the life in that place. On the other hand, Andy had hope. Especially in the movie, Andy tells that hope may be the best one between all existing things. Andy always tried for new things and diligently worked. Eventually, he got out of prison. Still in this case, Andy 'earned' the freedom by his own effort. In my opinion, Andy was more emphasized because his mind and active behaviors affected surrounding people including Red and his friends. I was somewhat shocked that hope can be influential not only in ordinary life but also in desperate and tragic lives. I felt very happy when Red took the way to meet Andy because I thought Red could find better life and enjoyable freedom by living with Andy.
     On top of that, I pondered about what is the meaning of 'being institutionalized'. Even though this phrase is used and highlighted term in the movie, I could find the form of 'institutionalization' also in the book. While I felt sad when the characters in the book tend to be 'institutionalized', I compared myself with them, who is studying hard in Korea Minjok Leadership Academy. Although the school and the prison is clearly different, I found myself being 'institutionalized'. For instance, I was justifying my awful grades since someday. It is true that lots of students in here are smart and excellent, but I always tried cover up my bad scores because of that reason until now.  I was quite embarrassed and sorry for my parents, who always support and cheer me up. I pledged to do my best in every single mission in KMLA and pursue what I really want to achieve, not being 'institutionalized'.
     Lastly, I desired for freedom when I was reading the story. Frankly, I often feel heavy and uncomfortable in the school because of stress related to academic things and relationship between people. I really need short period of time with real freedom, the situation without any hardships or worries and do whatever I want.  I felt catharsis when Andy escaped from Shawshank and I dreamed myself getting out of this stress.
     To sum up, <Rita Hayworth and Shawshank redemption> was the story that made me to think mainly about three things; hope, institutionalization, freedom. I started to hope the 'hope' which will help me in here relieving my pain and difficulties through this story. Thanks to Stephen King and Andy.