2011년 11월 4일 금요일

Sword without a knob- article after watching a film

Title: Sword without a knob

     It was energetic morning when I watched film in Mr. Garrioch's class on saturday. Unlike warm atmosphere in our class, the meanings that the film intended to show were quite serious and considerable. In the movie, one young  Buddhist monk enjoyed to torture some animals with rocks. He tied up the animal with heavy stones so that animal inevitable suffer difficulties in moving or impossible to breathe. Elder Buddhist monk saw this scene and tied up young monk with heavy bulk when he was sleeping. Older monk ordered young one to find the animals that little monk bothered yesterday and release them from the rope connected to the rock. Even though the young monk found animals, he cries deeply when he saw that two out of three were already dead.
     After I watched the video, I seriously pondered about how I am behaving these days, related to personal relationships and reflected my past. Although I always try my best to care others' emotions and assist them if they need any help that I can provide, I have to admit that I sometimes hurt others' feelings by lies or annoying responses. To be frank with, I often lie because I don't want to be involved in the activities with the people who I hate. I felt sorry for them while I was watching the film since I was similar to the young monk in the video on the point that I hurt someone on purpose for my convenience or better emotions. In addition, I was regretful about my unsatisfactory responses to the people when I feel bad or uncomfortable. I expect some of my friends would have been impatient because I ignore some suggestions or disagree without logical evidences.
     Secondly, I thought about the phrase 易地思之.  易地思之 is one of the most famous chinese maxim which means that 'Treat others as you want to be treated'.  I was quite ashamed that I primarily mind about my profit and convenience before than benefits for the group or society. I was somewhat selfish in my past. Reminded from the lesson that elder monk taught to the young monk, I promised myself to deliberate for social advantage and the better world for every members in the group. Moreover, I strongly believe that this film was associated with leadership. Our School, KMLA, teach us to be the servant leaders who can sacrifice ourselves for the people who belong to you. Unlike the young monk who gave agony and death to the animals, I assert that we should endeaver to provide benefits for society by considering and treating others as you wish to be treated.
     The last theme that I uniquely analyzed in this film was experience makes you develop. Even though the behavior that the young monk had done to the animals was totally wrong and undesirable, he learned that he should cherish all the creatures and others may feel pain because of selfish activities only for his pleasure. Therefore, I will try hard to explore lots of new things and apply the lessons in my future life so that my life journey can be richer and happier.

1개의 덧글:

2011년 12월 16일 오전 10:59 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

Wow! Look how long this is! One of the longest in the wave! I wasn't expecting this much, but I'm happy to see it. I just wish you wrote as much for the more important assignments. Interesting relfection, and nice Chinese writing. It looks cool embedded in the post.


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