2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Supplement each other- book journal

Title: Supplement each other.

     In my opinion, there are two similarities between four boys in <The body>: Geordie, Teddy, Chris and Vern. The first common point is that they are suffering from awful environment. Even though all of them are immatured, Geordie lost his older brother, Teddy lost his ability to hear because of his father's madness, Chris is abused by his father and Vern lost her mother. They are poor enough to be sympathized. Secondly, they are close friends to each other. I believe they can supplement each other what they need or don't have. I hope they can cure lonliness or mental hurt through helping themselves.
     Frankly, I feel difficulties in managing the relationship between friends. Even though I am one of the school counselors, I often feel loneliness and exhausted in these days. Friends are only the people who can help and cheer me up. Thanks to all my friends, I will always try my best to be better friend to them. 

1개의 덧글:

2011년 12월 3일 오후 10:24 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

Pretty short, but some good points. I'm not sure about Vern losing his mother. Is that the case?

So while I don't mind short, you have to make up for that with how many you do. I think it's fair to say you spent less than ten minutes on the above, and since the Reading Journal is worth something in your blog score, you should try and crank a better one out.


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