2011년 10월 31일 월요일

Morning exercise must be stopped.-Metafiction

Title: Morning exercise must be stopped.

Exactly two hours ago, I was practicing Taekwondo in the gym and hurt by back. Although I stretched my muscles several times, I still feel pain when I walk or breathe. I strongly believe that I hurt myself because my body wasn't warmed-up enough to exercise.Actually, early morning isn't the good time to exercise. -Hyunseok Lee-
Everyday, 6 a.m., two rock-and-roll songs come out from the speaker. Frowning at the speaker, I wash my face and change my cloths in Taekwondo cloth. The road to the gym looks like a hundred killometer. I always wihsh to use a car which 명순 teacer rides, -Soho Shim-
Teachers comfortably ride their own cars to the gym while we almost crawl to the gym as if we are cows about the be slaughtered. Then teachers yell at us saying why did we come to the gym so late. Hey, it's obvious that walking should be much slower than driving. -YoonJoo Jung- And after that period of censure, we start to be tortured.
Because of the limited 30 minutes, we usually skip our warm-up exercises and get more straight into the Taekwondo movements. Our muscles have just started working and they scream in pain as we do the kicks and punches. We always hesitate in doing the next move, and stressed out because teacher yells at us in every single lesson, which is really unnecessary. Imagine this.

It was a snowy, windy day. I was freezing since I got a cold last night. Even though I should rest in dormitory and take the medicine, it was already too late to get permission from dormitory parents to skip the morning exercise. I almost crawled to the gym and told to the teacher that I'm seriously sick so that I can't exercise this morning. I asked really politely to rest behind the other friends. However, illogically, he refused to permit. He didn't care how much I felt bad, he even didn't see my condition. He kept looking at other guys who were running around the gym.
"Sir, I admit that this is my fault to be sick and take care of myself, but can't I sit down back of the gym and watch friends exercising? I'm not asking you to permit myself to return to dormitory and sleep. I won't sleep back there. Please."
"You know it's your failure to care yourself. Then you have to take responsibility to exercise. Don't ask me more. I have nothing to tell you more."
Chaos. Dizzy. He just denied to have conversation with me. If he wasn't my teacher, I would have hit him seriously.

I strongly believe this madness should stop. Do the teachers really want to torture us? -anonymous-
When I first asked about the reason of existence of morning exercise, she said 'to help your time management and make you healthier with regular soft exercises. However, current situation of morning exercise seems to be out of position. Lack of sleep is being absolutely burdensome to the students and teachers adjust the time limit as they want. Therefore, students have to skip their breakfast or cannot take shower comfortably sometimes. Actually, morning exercise is destroying the day schedule. If  the school is implementing morning exercise system really for students, they have to ponder about present conditions and take strict time rules so that students can be advantageous through morning exercise.-Hyunseok Lee-

3개의 덧글:

2011년 11월 4일 오전 6:53 , Blogger Lee HoWook 덧글 내용...

Whutup totally agree haha
We better use this time as a dance time... it would be way better lol

2011년 12월 3일 오후 10:33 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

So this is the chainwriting - and it has a lot of potential. Some interesting descriptions of morning and being herded like cattle. I anticipate the makings of a mass student demonstration etc. in the form of metaficiton. I hope I can find that somewhere on your blog.

2011년 12월 3일 오후 10:35 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

Okay, I can't find it, and I guess this makes the above your metafiction. At this point, it isn't metafiction at all, so the assignment is incomplete. Make sure you read the directions carefully and follow through. If I see you've gotten it done before the tenth I might go easy on you.


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