2011년 11월 20일 일요일


This is the first word that blinked in my head while I watching the video. Onyx Ashanti, the beatjazz player on the above video, is the musician and also the inventor. Before we heed the music, most of the people will be esoteric about how the person can play the music with handheld controllers, an iphone and a mouthpiece. The gestures while he plays the music may seem to be prodigal and insipid, the quality of sound is totally innovative and enthralling.
His prodigious performance gave me another big impression that we have to find a novel way to succeed. He won't be extoled or invited to TED if we played pedestrian music with common instruments. His paucity in music made him to be famous and amazing. I was tended  to be follow the mainstream and do like other innumerable people do. However, I wished I could do like Onyx Ashanti after I finished watching the film. I hoped I had a great creativity so that idea never deplete in my brain. Getting out of hackneyed concepts and might be trepidating or against the conciliatory society. On the other hand, escaping from tedious and redundant ideas can be seen as achieving freedom out of provincial perspective. Therefore, I'm looking forward to myself that I become more candid about my opinions regardless of public opinion and change the world.

4개의 덧글:

2011년 11월 20일 오후 6:56 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

What video? Try to post it so we know what you're referencing.

2011년 11월 24일 오전 6:15 , Blogger Sungwoo Bae 덧글 내용...

작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

2011년 11월 24일 오전 6:34 , Blogger Sungwoo Bae 덧글 내용...

nice video Hyunseok, but I don't really quite understand how that machine works. Also I have difficulty understanding your post. It's filled with SAT words! ㅋㅋ

2011년 12월 16일 오전 10:57 , Blogger Mr. Garrioch 덧글 내용...

Your post is good, and the video is really cool, and you got all the SAT words in there. BUT, if you'd written more, the SAT words would fit in a bit more snugly. Sungwoo is right. A bit jammed in there!;) My advice - write more! Some writers have problems with grammar, some can't spell, some just can't write. You don't have these problems, but you can definitely push yourself to crank out that extra 100 words on every assignment.


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